Communication -

The Cornerstone of Success

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary the definition of Communication is:

a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.

Communication is the exchanging of information. Whether it is between 2 people or hundreds we, as individuals, need to be sure we are always clear and concise in what we are trying to express, this way all parties involved understand what is being said. There are many different ways to communicate, verbal, non-verbal, visual and written are all forms of communication that we utilize each and every day, some without even realizing that we are using them. Unfortunately, especially in this modern world, we sometimes forget how important communication actually is and often forget that we need to express what it is that we need. When it comes to the workplace, we have multiple avenues of communication that can be used, most often written (email or texting) and verbal (face to face or phone conversations) are the styles being utilized. How does this affect us in the trucking world? Continued below...


Verbal communication is having a direct conversation with one or more people either face-to-face or over the phone.


Non-verbal communication includes facial expressions, tone of voice and body language among other things and can impact how we relate to other people.


Text messages, emails, even social media postings are considered written communication. But keep in mind that your tone can be taken multiple ways with written communication. If what you are trying to convey could be misconstrued, pick up the phone and call instead.


Visual communication is done through graphics, videos, maps and more. Visual communication should be appealing and informative.

Communication in the trucking industry is a vital part of our day-to-day functions. Especially if you are doing something out of the ordinary. For example, if you are running a late night or early morning shift causing your 10-hour break to be during the day when we are trying to plan ahead, this could cause issues if the shift wasn't communicated, thus putting you or others in a bind. An easy way to avoid issues like this is to simply send a message to your fleet manager and let him or her know what you are planning. Over communication is always better than none at all. When in doubt, always remember, communication is key, no one can be a mind reader.

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